Tess Antone, Curriculum Coach, Kalihi Kai Elementary
Rayna Higa, Ph.D. student, UH College of Education & Fern Elementary School
Domingo Los Banos, World War 2 Veteran, Co-Producer, Untold Triumph: The Story of the 1st & 2nd Filipino Infantry Regiments, U.S. Army
Rod Labrador, Ph.D., Ethnic Studies, UH - Mānoa
The overarching goal for this module is to demonstrate a tangible way that the teacher participants can apply all that they learned during the Filipino American Education institute. Teachers will learn how to integrate critical and hip hop pedagogy into their teaching. This will provide teachers with a social action template/process and examples on how to explore issues in the community and implement their new-found knowledge and awareness into Hawai‘i classrooms statewide. This final module on critical praxis empowers teachers and students to confront challenges and ultimately uplift their school and wider community.
- Participants will be able to revisit the Critical Praxis Model (Reflection, Action, Know the Ledge).
- Participants will be able to better understand and appreciate the use and importance of the continuous reflection process.
- Participants will be introduced to the concept and examples of Social Action.
- Participants will be able to understand the concept of Social Action and how it can positively improve their students’ experience and learning.
- Participants will observe a model (elementary and secondary) of how to incorporate a social action lesson or unit plan into their own classroom.
- Participants will be able to create and model social action projects for their own students.
- Participants will be introduced to contemporary issues in music.
- Participants will be introduced to multiple resources and Filipino artists to serve as models for students in regards to the issues of contemporary music (critical hip hop pedagogy/guerilla radio).
- Participants will discuss and brainstorm ideas for their own future lesson/unit plans.
- Participants will continue the cyclic reflection process and refocus their attention to their own personal growth and understanding of their teaching practices as well as their students.