02. Agenda OutlineModule 02: ILIG SANG LAHI | Language, Literature & Culture


8:30-10:00 I.  Heritage Language Learning

A. Overview and introduction
B. Brief overview of heritage language education

  1. Defining Heritage Learners
  2. Addressing curricular needs of heritage learners

II. Students as Ethnographers

  1. Lesson and project ideas

III. Processing Activity/Output

10:00-10:15 Morning Break
10:15 – 12:00 II. Philippine Literature

A. Introduction

  1. Criteria for choosing literary texts
  2. Sources that are available for use
  3. Student-centered strategies that address the needs and cultural backgrounds of Filipino students

B. Input – Storytelling

  1. Text – Two Friends, One World by Ramon C. SunicoGifts of Unknown Things
  2. Lesson and activity ideas

C. Processing Activity

  1. Pair Work
    a. Participants will create list of activities to implement

D. Output/Sharing

  1. Summary of suggested lessons and activities
12:00 – 12:30 LUNCH
12:30 – 2:20 III Schooling and Curriculum

A. Schooling Background

  1. American Education- Implications for Heritage Learners and ELLs

B. Conceptual Background

  2. Academic language

C. Scaffolded Reading Experiences (SRE) - WAVE

  1. Intro
  2. Concept work

D. SRE Modeling for pre-reading

E. Curriculum analysis by participants

2:20 – 2:30 Wrap Up – Synthesis of day