05. Resources

Module 1: Weaving the Poetries of Life | Culture, Arts & Identity (.ppt) The Role of Kolintang Music in Maranao Society, Dr. Usopay Cadar (.pdf) Children’s Costume Book “Excerpts from the Darangen” (.pdf) “Excerpts from the Hudhdud” (.pdf) Maceda, José.…

04. Class ActivitiesModule 1: Weaving the Poetries of Life | Culture, Arts & Identity

MUSIC MAP  Cited from Maceda, José. Gongs & Bamboo: a Panorama of Philippine Music Instruments. Diliman, Quezon City: University of the Philippines, 1998. UNESCO Intangible Heritage- Epics of the Philippines (website) Darangen epic excerpt sample chanted by Maranao male…

02. Agenda OutlineModule 1: Weaving the Poetries of Life | Culture, Arts & Identity

Module 01 Outline   TOPIC I. Introduction· Warm up · Philippine map with regions and provinces · SE Asia Regional map/Regional gong & bamboo cultures · Southern Philippine gong & bamboo cultures map (Maceda) II. Live or Video Demo: Southern…

01. IntroductionModule 1: Weaving the Poetries of Life | Culture, Arts & Identity

PRESENTERS Tamara Dijos, M.Ed., Fern Elementary School Jan Ishikawa, Kalakaua Middle, Design Coach for America’s Choice School Design Wayland Quintero, MFA, Performing Arts Practitioner, Assistant Theatre Manager, Leeward Community College SUMMARY The focus of this module is for teachers to…

05. ResourcesModule 02: ILIG SANG LAHI | Language, Literature & Culture

Fil-Am_Schooling_+_Curriculum_module (.ppt) Philippine Literature (.pptx) Analysis of content lesson- Guidesheet – Schooling + Curriculum section (.doc) CALLA Academic Language Functions (.pdf) CALLA Learning Strategies + how to teach them (.pdf) CALLA Literature & Composition (.pdf) CALLA Math (.pdf) CALLA Social…