04. Class ActivitiesModule 1: Weaving the Poetries of Life | Culture, Arts & Identity

Cited from Maceda, José. Gongs & Bamboo: a Panorama of Philippine Music Instruments. Diliman, Quezon City: University of the Philippines, 1998.

Darangen epic chant & education sample led by Maranao female in situ

Darangen epic excerpt sample chanted by Maranao male in situ

The Ifugao of the Cordillera, Luzon, Northern Philippines


Bulol Rice God

Ifugao gangsa music & dance in situ

Ifugao gangsa music & dance in situ (especially Dinnuy-a dance)

Kapmagarib, Kolintang player- Desiree A. Seguritan

Ways To Wear a Malong

Kappamalong-malong, Dancer- Desiree A. Seguritan