Wayland Quintero is a multidisciplinary performer, actor/director, storyteller. He is a co-founder of the Mahalohalo Kolintang Ensemble whose members research, perform, and teach native percussion music & dances of Southern Philippines. Having lived in New York City for 18 years, he is one of three members of the Asian-American ensemble called the Slant Performance Group- resident artists with La Mama Theatre, and he has co-created and performed in other Off Broadway theatrical and dance productions in NYC, across the USA and overseas. In Honolulu he performed in Kumu Kahua Theatre’s production of “The Romance of Magno Rubio,” and as a reader for Aloha Shorts & the UH-Mānoa Oral History Project. He earned his MFA from New York University Tisch School of the Arts. He is a member of BIBAK-Hawai‘i, a group consisting of people of the Northern Philippine Cordillera region. Wayland can be contacted at waylandquintero@yahoo.com